Monday, April 16, 2012

Off topic post: I have some advice for Mr. Romney.

I wrote the following comment at

Human Ape

"He said he would eliminate the deduction on interest for second mortgages for high income people"

Some advice for Mr. Romney: Real Republicans don't single out the rich for punishment. If you're going to eliminate any deductions, eliminate it for everyone. Better yet eliminate all deductions (including for charities) for everyone. If it's one thing I can't stand it's rich people itemizing their deductions, and taking advantage of the fact they can afford accountants who can help them benefit from our complicated tax laws. For taxes, keep it simple. Raise the standard deduction for everyone and do not allow anyone to itemize deductions. Make everyone pay the exact same flat tax, let's make it 15% to match the tax on dividends and capital gains. And make these taxes permanent so people can plan for the future. Then start cutting government spending like crazy. No more ridiculous never ending wars would be a good place to start.

Keep it simple and don't punish success. People like me want to work hard to escape from poverty and be rich. I don't want my hard work to be punished. That's the message Romney needs to make, instead of imitating the Democrats with higher taxes for successful people. Romney must say as candidate for president: "Unlike Obama, I won't punish you because you worked hard, lived frugally, and saved for the future."


Know-nothing liberals would probably say my tax ideas would lower revenue for the government but they are forgetting that when citizens are allowed to keep more of their hard earned money, more jobs are created which means more revenue for the government. In any case the government wastes way too much money. I noticed that for the first time in United States history our credit rating was downgraded and this happened thanks to Obama's out of control spending which he wants to make worse with his ObamaCare. When liberals get their way about everything we get hopelessly in debt and jobs disappear.


Some more advice for Romney:

Another thing that bugs me is when a person's income is greater than the amount the government taxes for social security. So while poor people pay social security tax for all of their income, wealthy people stop paying those taxes for the last one or more months of the year. That isn't fair. The solution is just tax the entire salary, no matter how much a person makes.

My idea is everyone should be taxed an equal percentage of their income, no exceptions.


This is nice to see. I look forward to the first of three debates on October 3, 2012.

Obama v. Romney: It's definitely not personal


This blog has 38 off topic posts at


Will Obama be reelected or will Romney be our next president? There will frequently be polls of voters from now until the election on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. The result of these polls can be found at General Election: Romney vs. Obama.

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