Saturday, February 12, 2011

If magical intelligent design creationism is true, why did the god fairy make human apes inferior to other creatures in so many ways?

Our species has one thing going for it, our large brains. It's too bad Christians never learned how to use this advantage we have.

I'm asking the superstitious morons who deny the established truth of evolution to try to understand some logic.

If your magical creationism (also known as magical intelligent design creationism) is true, and if people are your magic designer's favorite species, why did it make us inferior to other creatures?

We can think (at least some of us have this ability) but other species can run faster, see better, smell better, hear better, swim farther, live underwater, fly without using a machine, and live in extreme temperatures.

Chimpanzees (our closest living non-human relatives according to all the world's biologists who have tons of evidence for this evolutionary relationship) are many times stronger than we are. Sharks can chop off our heads with one bite. Bears and tigers can easily kill us and eat us.

We don't even have a monopoly on intelligence. The brain of a dolphin is virtually equal to our brain. Even chimpanzee apes with their smaller brains have a much better short-term memory than human apes.

If your fairy loves us so much, why did it make countless other species superior to us?

The answer is obvious. Magical creationism is bullshit, and there's nothing special about our species. We are just one small twig on a vast tree of life, no better than any other species that has developed to be good enough to survive in its environment.

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