Saturday, February 26, 2011

Evolution is still as absurd today as it was in Darwin's day, the only significant difference is that people have been constantly brainwashed for ...

I found this bullshit in the comments at this Christian Taliban website.

railhead: "Evolution is still as absurd today as it was in Darwin's day, the only significant difference is that people have been constantly brainwashed for the past 40 years through the mainstream media and public education."

I wrote this reply:

railhead = evolution denier = uneducated dope.

Nothing personal railhead. A few million other people share your disease.

Your "constantly brainwashed" is interesting. I thought it was the massive evidence for evolution which has convinced virtually every biologist in the world that evolution is a bloody fact. Usually brainwashing is an explanation for why people like you prefer supernatural magic instead of natural processes.

railhead, if you don't mind making Jeebus cry, why don't you stop being lazy and study the evidence. You can google "evidence evolution", being careful to avoid the Liars-For-Genesis, or you can study this stuff:

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